Turkish tr
Kana Susayanlar

Kana Susayanlar

Kana Susayanlar


Grey, an indie singer, whose first album was a smash hit, gets an invitation to work with notorious music producer Vaughn Daniels at his remote studio in the woods. Together with her girlfriend/lover Charlie, they arrive at his mansion, and the work begins. But Grey is having visions that she is a wolf, and as her work with the emotionally demanding Vaughn deepens, the vegan singer begins to hunger for meat and the hunt. As Grey starts to transform into a werewolf, she begins to find out who she really is, and begins to discover the family she never knew. What will it take to become a great artist and at what cost to her humanity? As Grey completes her new album, Charlie tries to warn her about Vaughn, but Grey won't abandon the album. Will Grey do whatever it takes to become a great artist, as she uncovers the truth about her past, her future, her family and ultimately herself.

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